In 2015, you paid a very successful state visit to the United Kingdom, and it was then the Golden Era of UK-China relations was established.
Since then, I think we have indeed achieved a great deal in enhancing the links between our two countries, both in terms of the people links but also trading links.
We now see trade valued nearly 60 billion pounds and 600,000 visas issued for Chinese visitors to the United Kingdom.
I welcome the investment that has been made in the United Kingdom, but also the growing trade links that we have between our two countries.
I have been pleased to bring a very large business delegation here who had a very successful visit.
The links between us go beyond trade. I have been very pleased with people-to-people links. We have been able to build on in education and in culture.
We are both significant players on the world stage. We both sit together as the permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations. There are global challenges which we both face. There would be areas on which we can work together.
I am very pleased to be able to be here in China to take further forward the global strategic partnership that we have established between United Kingdom and China.
在此次行程前,她曾表示此次拜访中国将会强化中英关系的黄金时代(intensify the “golden era” in UK-China relations):
“The depth of our relationship means we can have frank discussions on all issues. There are huge trade opportunities in China that we want to help British businesses take advantage of.”
《镜报》(Mirror Online):


《伦敦标准晚报》(Evening Standard)




Extension of a maths teacher exchange programme for a further two years to 2020, enabling around 200 English teachers to visit China
Joint training of pre-school staff in the UK and China
Better information-sharing on vocational education
The launch of an "English is GREAT" campaign to promote English language learning in China
在中国进一步推动英语教学,启动“English is GREAT”的推广项目
Education deals worth more than £550m, which it is claimed will create 800 jobs in the UK
“The agreements we have signed today will build on (existing cooperation) and enable more children and more young people than ever to share their ideas about our two great nations. And by teaching children to speak our languages we will ensure that our golden era of cooperation will endure for generations to come.”
上午十点三十分,梅一行来到武汉大学,出席湖北英国教育文化交流展,并与学生互动交流。灵动青春(Spirit of Youth)形象大使江疏影作为中国青年人的代表向来宾介绍了该活动的成果。
Spirit of Youth is a China-wide campaign aiming to inspire the next generation of leaders in China and the UK and to promote deeper collaboration and exchange.
On Tuesday July4, Chinese actress Jiang Shuying, together with Princess Anne and the British ambassador to China, Barbara Woodward, officially launched the UK’s Spirit of Youth campaign.
在武汉的最后一程,她于中午时分前往有着“天下江山第一楼”之称的黄鹤楼(Yellow Crane Tower),登楼远眺武汉三镇风光,并欣赏了由武汉市京剧团带来的表演。
A large delegation that includes the management of 50 British enterprises is accompanying May to China.
May added that Britain would be more “outward looking” after leaving the EU. “We are committed to building on our deep and mature ties,” she said. “We believe that is in the best interests of the UK.”
And she told Li she wanted the meeting to “consider how we can build further on that golden era and on the global strategic partnership that we have been working on between the UK and China.”
Li told her that it was “spring” in ties between the nations. “It's now quite cold in northern China. But it is also the start of spring.”
“We see the Belt and Road Initiative as an initiative with great potential and we want to be part of it,” said British Ambassador to China Barbara Woodward, “Britain expected to see more areas where both sides can work together in the future.”
She highlighted that Britain is a “natural partner” in the Belt and Road Initiative. Britain is willing to share its financing experience and to establish close working relationships between the financial experts in London and people who are designing and developing projects along the Belt and Road.
此次访华 是她与丈夫菲利普·梅首次共同参与双边访问,他们的一举一动都引起中英媒体的极大兴趣。
英国首相梅姨正式访华 中国和欧洲国家互动频密